Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hitting the Road

I am FINALLY back online. Yes, it's detrimental for this cyber addict to be offline for so long. (*sigh*) I don't know how I ever got through it. :) So here I sit, upstairs in our new home, at the card table which will hold the computer for the time being, summer breeze blowing through the open window, and the kiddos peacefully napping. Yes, you heard it, summer breeze. Well summer by my standards - 70+ degrees, bright blue skies, and the smell of BBQ in the air. I know, I know, I will complain once Houston's other season 'Broiler' hits. For now, I am in heaven. Actually, the entire experience has been wonderful so far. I absolutely love it here!

There is so much to say, so much to fill you in on. Where is a lady to start? How about a photo of my cutie baby to start? He is loads of fun, three months old now. His favorite things include napping with the mom, talking with the dad, and laughing, laughing, laughing. He laughs all the time. "Laugh for now aparent reason - people will wonder what you are up to." That's for sure. Once he gets going, he can laugh for minutes on end.

Friday the 2nd, we had a great night out with friends. So great, we actually didn't get a thing done on Saturday other than go to Joe's mom's for a bit to visit with Gina and Kurt. That day Omaha had an awful ice storm; it took us nearly an hour to travel 3 miles home. Good thing we declined the movers offer to load us early.

Monday morning, the 5th, the Allied semi arrived bright and early to load the house. "Holy Smokes," Cambry shreeked as the truck pulled up. This is a photo of she and Papa Joe outside watching them load - excited face and all.

I think we took up an entire 1/3 or the truck, that's hardly anyspace right, no need to declutter. We live by the little mantra. 'The definition of clutter is anything you don't love, don't use and don't need!' Turns out everything we use, need, and love weighs a whapping 11,000lbs. Nido.

The guys even let Cambry's up into the cab to blow the horn before they took off. She loved it!

After they finished loading, we spent our last night in Omaha cleaning our house and going out to dinner at Bonefish. We had to make one last trip because Texas doesn't have Bonefish - bummer. Tuesday morning we stopped by Grandma Chris's work and then hit the road. The kids were wonderful; the trip was flawless. Thanks of course to the Backyardigans and the trusty portable DVD player.

We spent that night in "Welcome Home" City as Cambry called it. (Oklahoma City)

By Wednesday we had made it to Texas. This is a photo from a gas station just outside of Dallas. Just two of the things I love about Texas: palm trees (next to pine trees even), and Texas pride (the flag flies everywhere).

We made it! Here is a snap shot of our new house. "Our new house is GREAT!" Cambry says. We all agree, and it's 600 square feet larger than our Omaha house. Come on down when ever you like - we'd love to have you!

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