Friday, March 13, 2009


Let me madness begin. I feel completely swamped since we got back from Omaha. Yes, I know what am I doing blogging? This is my sanity break. :) I am making some progress though, and three of us have had the flu now, so I should be coming into some extra time soon.

Wednesday we went to check out the new Flemings again. It is virtually complete. New staff orientation and training starts Saturday. At first sight, I thought the dining room was a tad smaller than Omaha's. However, after the table and chairs have been placed, Town and Country is definitely bigger. In addition, the private dining room has three sections and spans the entire width of the restaurant. It truly is a stunning place. Check out a few photos below, rather poor depictions of its true beauty.
Main dining room:
Private Dining Room:
A Thomas Arvid original, one of his newest releases at that. Arvid paintings are hung in all Fleming's restaurants. This piece has to be my favorite of his work so far.

Wait, it gets better... This morning, Friday the 13th, Joe was called into work early. When he arrived, there was 2 inches of water covering the dining room floor, a whole in the ceiling, damage to the wood, and a fried computer system. After everyone got involved, we learn that the plumber installed the backflow incorrectly in the ceiling and the pipe burst. $18,000 worth of carpet needs to be replaced - no other damage has a price tag yet. Although I have heard rumors the mahogany mill work in the restaurant values half a million. It would be just small parts that need to be replaced, but none-the-less. I worried what else would happen most of the day. We are all still in one piece and the day was productive. Superstitious? Still no.

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