Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I ♥ Faces - Wk. 20 "Silhouettes"

This week at I Faces was something I actually planned ahead for. (Funny how I am habitual about planning, yet always wait until the last minute to finish/arrive/post, etc. Always running to the finish line I am.) I have never taken a silhouette photo, nor even thought of taking one. Thanks to Susan Keller's Silhouette Tutorial, I quickly learned the technique and found some great inspiration. I immediately knew who my subjects would be, then it was just a matter of finding the right setting. (That's where the planning comes into play.)

Over the Moon About Her Daddy

You still have a few hours to enter the contest if you like. Or just stop by I Faces for some inspiration. Check back in a bit; I will be posting the runner up photo as well.


  1. Oh that is soooo sweet!!
    Jen H

  2. what a SWEET PHOTO!!!! it just tells a thousand words!! it reminds me of myself, really, looking up to my daddy when i was a little girl. precious!

  3. This is a great image! I love how she is looking up at Daddy! Beautiful color, too!

  4. It's great! I love this one. You can see smiles on their faces as they hold hands. So sweet.

    I played along too...come on over!

  5. How endearing is that! Love the size comparison and the ponytail!

  6. Oh, I LOVE that! I love how HUGE he looks compared to her. Very sweet. :)
    Love, Alyssa

  7. Angie, this is gorgeous!!! Great work.

  8. That was such a great entry last week....I'm sure it's a super special photo for you too.
