Joe has been asked to open a new restaurant in Houston, TX. This is a great opportunity for both he and our family. We will let the hurricanes pass and then we will be on our way. We are currently working our tails off to get the house ready to be put on the market next Saturday, Sept. 20. YIKES! That is only 8 days away. Today is my last day with the childcare children. I will be dedicating all of my time to painting, cleaning, packing, and bonding with my little girl before the new baby arrives. I am thrilled to be able to have some unplanned time at home with baby Boston and Cambry after he arrives. We should be on our way to Houston around January 5th. We are very excited to be so close to the ocean and surrounded by new adventures and opportunities. Our door will always be open to all of you who want to venture down south. No snow I hear. :) I for one love the snow and cold winters. I don't think Joe will miss it one bit. Once in Texas, I will be thankful for the heat of Nebraska. It has only taken me what, seven or eight years to quit complaining so much about the heat here. So you figure by the time my kids go to Junior High I should be okay. lol. We will make sure to share the highs and lows along the way. It will be incredible. I hope you are all doing wonderful as fall approaches. Take care! Talk to you soon.