We had an amazing time. This was Cambry's first trip to the ocean. The weather was cool, making the water even colder, so we did not actually get into the water. No the less, we enjoyed our time by the water very much. The sounds and smells of the ocean are soooo soothing to us.

Here's a picture of Cambry in Sausalito. We took the ferry from San Francisco to Sausalito one day. Cambry would tell you the best part of that trip (other than the boat ride) was when she and mom fed her snack to the birds. As you can tell, this was quite exciting.

Cambry loved every minute she spent with John. From the minute he came home, she was by his side - eating what he ate, and doing things just the way he did. He had this incredible calming effect on our typically wound up child. This was a whole new side of her for us to see. In the picture they are sharing a 10lb, "everything but the kitchen sink," pizza and a rootbeer. Now that we are back home, she pretend calls John often. "Hi John, this is Cambry. Cambry take an airplane to see Debbie and John in a few weeks." This is followed by a long silence. She will then say to me, "John's not home, he's at work. We'll call him later." (So sweet)

On the last night we were in town, we all went out to an elegant little place just off of the water. This is a picture of Cambry, displaying poise and dining etiquette, as she serves herself a slice of crayon. Not the first course the rest of us chose, but hey, the girl has taste.