So tuckered out from all the fun at Grandma Cindy's house. This is a photo taken on the plane ride home on Christmas Day. Both little ones were passed out in my lap.

Cambry was quite the site opening her presents this year. Each present was more exciting than the next. She would meticulously peel small pieces of wrapping from each package, making sure to take all stickers, tags, and ribbons off first. He pace was much slower than some could appreciate. I enjoyed watching her none-the-less.

This is Cambry taking a picture of Mommy taking a picture. She is using the new camera she has waited so long to get. Within 30 minutes she had taken about 50 pictures. She would stop and look up from her work and tell me, "You didn't say cheese. Do it again." I have no idea where she gets these things. (*grin*)

Again, my Christmas Baby. Never mind the bags under my eyes, I am almost ready to move. :)

The highlight of my Christmas day was watching her open her brand new pickup truck, complete with flatbed and tailgate. For those of you who know Cambry, you know that she loves trucks. She talks about riding in a semi or a pickup almost daily. It was only appropriate that she get a pickup for her third Christmas right? My two year old, headed down to Texas in her pickup wearing her cowboy boots. Darling!

It didn't take but a few minutes for her to begin packing all of her new presents into her truck. We had such a great laugh with this. She packed the truck so full she couldn't even get in. Papa Joe had to come and help rearrange. Once he got her settled, she waved and said...

..."Bye - I am going to Aunt Deb's."

Our Christmas Jammies

Happy New Year Everyone! We will report from Texas soon. Lots of Love!