It was 89 degrees in Houston today! We spent the day chasing horses. The Rodeo trail rides have been heading into town the last couple of days. We followed the paths, parked, and stood on the side of the road to wave. In particular we were looking for Daisy, Buckshot, and Grandma Sissy, two horses and their owner. Cam got to ride Daisy and Bucky yesterday when we accidentally bumped into the riders having a lunch break. Lots of the riders recognized us today; Cam was so proud. The kept calling out "Hey pretty cowgirl!" and commenting how they liked her boots. She is fascinated by the horses. I didn't think to take a video until the very end. None-the-less, here is a short clip of her dancing and waving. The next clip is of my Bubble Boy. He is quite the talker, and singer, lately. He has also found his feet. Thank goodness it is almost warm enough not to need those little sockies anymore. :)
Friday, February 27, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
It's Been a Long Time
I can not believe I have not posted in over two weeks. I have several posts below to make up for my absence. I meant to post Friday. After I started editing my photos, I got caught up playing around with virtual photographer, and …well, it’s Saturday night and I am just now getting around to it. I think I procrastinate posting because I try to have something entertaining to say each time. The following posts are just updates and photos; I will try to be more entertaining next time. Here are of a couple of cool photo edits I came up with.

February Brings Normalcy
Papa Joe is back from his long trip to Austin, the new restaurant is coming along great, and he has already hired half his staff. This is a photo from the night he came home.
Boston rode in the stroller for the first time a the zoo a couple of weeks ago. The view is great from down there he says.

We play outside everyday, even if just for a bit. Most days we drive 20 or more minutes to the park. Two months ago there is not very much I would have driven that far for. It's all prespective I guess. If you are willing to drive a bit there are some really awesome parks in our area of Houston.

We started going to Mommy and Me gymnastics too. Cambry loves this! She tells me everyday how great school is. (She just goes Tues and Thur mornings for now.) I am not completely crazy about the place, but then again, my standards are way higher than most. I haven't found a job yet that either brings home more than what full-time childcare costs or has hours when Joe is not working. (He works morning till night most days.) And no, no offers on the house yet. We are still hopeful in all areas, knowing everything will work out somehow. We are all making lots of new friends; we feel at home here.

We play outside everyday, even if just for a bit. Most days we drive 20 or more minutes to the park. Two months ago there is not very much I would have driven that far for. It's all prespective I guess. If you are willing to drive a bit there are some really awesome parks in our area of Houston.

Grandma Cindy visits for Valentine's Day
Boston had his 4 month well check the week before Valentine's Day. He is now 25 1/2 inches and 14lbs. 8oz. Cambry was 15lbs. 4oz. and 26 inches. He is completely formula fed now; I lost my milk during the move. He has made it all winter without a cold or ear infection - knock on wood. Cambry had had two by this point, if I remember right. He is still a really laid back baby, loves to laugh and be a part of every conversation. He is working on rolling, and is really good with his hands - passing toys back and forth.
Grandma Cindy flew here to visit over Valentine's weekend. We had a very memorable time at the Build a Bear Workshop on Valentine's night. Cambry built herself a turtle and a darling little bear for Boston. We had to wait in line for about a hour - but it was well worth it.

Our Princess and Her Hair
I have really been into styling (if you can call it that) Cambry’s hair now that we have grown it out a bit. She loves to play in a sink full of water and chat with me while I work on a style. She even has special requests now and then. I imagine this will be something we will bond over for a long time to come. The other day as we got out of the car to visit Papa at work, she said, “How do I look? … Do you think Papa will think my hair is pretty?” Yes, she is quite the lady. :) Her hair is still rather short and very fine, so we are a bit limited for now. Here are a couple of do’s from the last couple weeks.

A Day at the Roller Rink
We went roller skating for the first time on Friday morning. We had such a great time together. The smallest skate they make is a toddler 8 - a perfect fit for my little lady. I spent the first hour trying to teach her how it was done. Boston was in the umbrella stroller, and Cambry and I pushed him around together. This was the best technique in helping her feel comfortable. She managed to do pretty well on her own towards the end of our outing. I was sooo proud of her! We will definately go again soon.
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