This is the number of days our house has been on the market now. It is actually being shown tonight, in about 30 minutes. We are beginning the rental process and will take that option soon to supplement the mortgage payment. It will not pay the mortgage but it will hopefully pay 2/3. Here is our listing. If you know anyone who is in the market for a new home, we would really appreciate the referral.
Over the 4th of July, the kids and I drove to Omaha again. Grandma Chris spent a lot of time with the kids while I did some work on the house. After working hard, I sat on the back porch one afternoon. We lived on the top of the hill so I was able to soak up the sun and look out over the entire neighborhood. Until I lived in that house, I always referred to 'home' as my parents' house. This house was home and so much more to me. Those walls held millions of memories from our new lives together. My new life with Joe and our new lives with both children. I was heartbroken, welling up with tears, as I sat there reflecting on backyard BBQs, sledding through the snow in the yard, late night card games, holidays, the children that came to play each day, and all the love, comfort and security of the life we lived there. How could someone not want a place I wanted so much? I know now it is not that people don't want 'my' house, they just don't want the house. And really, the market for homes outside of the 'first time home buyers range' in Omaha have not had any traffic in the current economy. I truly try to be optimist about the whole situation. The truth is, I feel lost. Lost is an anxiety filled, uncomfortable feeling for me. I wonder if we made the right choice to move, and if we should even be trying to sell the house. I find it difficult to be consistently faithful despite the long wait. I do understand that everything will work out and that this too shall pass...things always do. During the interlude, I am searching for strength and peace, and would appreciate your prayers and thoughts.
Although this is not the typical tone of our blog, I really do appreciate those of you who took the time to read about our struggle. I know so many have it so much worse and that we are very fortune and bountifully blessed in our lives.
Here are some pictures of a couple of things I was able to get done.

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