Tonight we were supposed to be out running to the grocery store, the post office, Target, and Kinko's. Well, on a whim, we decided to drop by the mall and play in the play land instead. This was the best, and biggest, mall play land I have ever been to. (Check out the look on Cambry's face when we got there - below.) We had a total blast. We played for about an hour and a half. After we got home, I couldn't help but think about going back to work (I have an interview Thursday, by the way.) I of course have the normal anxieties, but not being there is what breaks me the most. I love to just drink up all the little moments everyday - the shrieks, the giggles, the cries, and the hugs. I love to capture everything on the cameras. Today Cambry comes to me, "Here Mommy," she said as she placed a little something in my hand. "It's my toe-jam," she said. I laughed SO hard. I am going to be devastated to drop my children off everyday. I know how important it is for Cambry to go to school and have social interaction. I just wish I didn't have to send them all day everyday. I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would be the parent who spends a couple hours a day at most with their children while someone else spends as many as ten hours a day with them. I know people all around the world do this everyday; I just didn't want it to be me. The most wonderful, treasured gift I have even been given, was the ability to be at home with my little ones everyday. (Thanks Joe Baby!) Check out some more photos of our fun today below.