Tonight I went out for a run again. I have had some crazy trouble with my legs lately - insane shin splints. Friday I only ran 3/4 of a mile before the pain forced me to hurl. I felt as though I would puke again for about 2 hours after I quit that day. (Yes, I know you are really glad I am sharing this part with you. Hang in there, the good stuff is coming.) A gal that was running the training program reminded me that I needed to run at least a couple of times in the next week so that I would not loose all that I had worked for. Determined not to let my legs get the best of me, I prepared to run tonight. (Preparing to run takes a lot of conscious effort, for me, for an entire day before hand.) I went down to one of my new favorite places to run (favorite because I can take a new route every time). I took a wrong turn somewhere, or missed a turn somewhere. After awhile I asked someone about to pass me where this trail headed. I knew the road they mentioned, so I kept on going, figuring I would turn back when I got there. My legs were opening up and I was feeling really good so I kept going. I was even able to sprint the last 1/3 + mile. I have now idea how long I ran and didn't know until I got home and hit Map My Run how far I had ran. 4.53 miles was the total distance - I walked just under a 1/4 mile to begin and also to finish.
I ran just over 4 miles tonight!! As you can tell (by the long story) I am completely thrilled with myself. Have I told you lately that I love to run? I decided tonight that running is like a marriage...Sticking with it through the bad times is a must because when it is good, it's oh so good. :)
Drum roll please....
(Wait for it)
Today, Sunday night, May the 31st is the official day that I am committing to run the Houston 1/2 marathon along side 11,000 other people (11,000 more will run the full) this coming January. I am so pumped!
Now for some giveaways that I have come across and thought you might be interested in. (Again, these mostly appeal to my female readers, sorry guys.)
Bob Gear is giving away a Stroller Strides BOB Stroller to the winner of the best 'Workout Outfit Photo.' The contest runs through June 29th.
I could not live without my BOB!
Thanks Mom!

Athleta, the new GAP company has a Private Surf Safari Sweepstakes. (I have been entering daily, of course.) The giveaway includes round trip airfare to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, four night accommodations in an ocean front villa, daily meals, daily yoga, daily private surf lessons, and an Athleta wordrobe valued at $1500. (This trip is for 2 people. If you win, will you take me?)
Enter to Win
Frigidaire wants to know what you would do with an extra hour of time each day. Visit
Frigidaire and enter by telling them five things you would do with a much needed extra hour of time. All participants will be entered for a chance to win
an entire suite of NEW Frigidaire appliances. You can also enter for your chance to win the new Frigidaire Affinity washer / dryer combo.