We went to the park in Katy again this week. We love it there! It can be a half hour stop or an all day adventure. This particular trip we had saved the crust from Cambry's toast and sandwiches for an entire week, and had stocked up what we thought was a significant amount of duck feed. We were mistaken; the big birds were on the hunt and they brought with 30 or so of their closest friends. After one nearly took Cambry's finger, I put her up on this rock to feed them. (She gets so excited, even when they are aggressive. She's brave.)

After getting Cambry safely up to higher ground, I looked over at Boston who was laughing hysterically. This duck (pictured below), closely resembling a mammoth turkey was pecking at Boston's lap for food. At least my kids are entertained right?

The best big sister ever...and he eats is right up. :)

We went to gymnastics Wednesday just before heading out of town. Here is our little dare devil 'bear walking' on the parallel bars. Oh, and again, she and Raymond were too cute. He was helping her at the water fountain, and she was waiting in line at the rings for them and then calling all the way across the gym for him to go ahead of her. How precious!

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