Cowgirl in the making? You thought because she is her mother's daughter that she was born a cowgirl. :) Well it turns out; Cambry currently believes cowgirl is something you put on, not something you are. So here she is, with her cowgirl on. lol. This is Buckshot, Bucky. The second horse is Daisy.

This is a shot of the trail riders on the second to last day of their 281 mile ride into Houston. This is the day we made our own parade, over and over again. It was thrilling!

The second time we watched the Salt Grass Trail Ride pass, the riders had to stop for traffic. We ran down the line to find Daisy and Bucky. The ride had to stop long enough from Cambry to take another ride on Bucky, this time with Grandma Sissy. We saw her and Bucky ride the next day in the Houston Rodeo Parade. I think she was thrilled to have cheerleaders yelling her name from the curb as she rode by. She lit up. She is such a warm and wonderful woman; we will look for her every year from now on.

These are the mules that pulled their wagon. Grandmas Sissy boasted about how incredible they were. She said they even know how to parallel park - amazing.

Here is my beauty waiting for the trail ride to come by.

Tuesday night we took Papa Joe to Bounce U for a little fun. This slide had to have been 20 ft. high - really. Check out the faces on both of them. (Click to enlarge if you like) Papa went twice and then it was all me. After multiple deep breaths, I was able to put my extreme fear of heights to the side for the sake of childhood memories.

My little bear is getting so big. He is nearly 5 months now. I love watching him explore - force huge objects all the way into his mouth. He is still as happy as ever. He has gained 2 whole lbs. since his four month well check. Yes, we are adding cereal to his diet this week, for sure. Formula is terribly fattening. (Seriously, there are studies linking it's consumption to childhood obesity.) He did grow an inch and a half too so I am sure he is fine. Mother's worry so, as I am sure you know. He is rolling! Go Boston! And he has a new found love for the volumes he can reach with his voice. There still is nothing better than getting down and super silly with Mommy - having a good laugh. Unless of course there is an option to sit snuggled in Papa's arms and watch Sports Center.

We had Joe's new partner's family over for dinner the other night. We all had great food and great company. It was a relaxing evening for the new place opens up. More pictures of the new restaurant to come soon. It is almost finished. Joe is done hiring on his end - heart of the house, and he is already arranging his kitchen.
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