This year has brought many changes for my Spunky Lady. As expected, she has had some issues adjusting. The most obvious changes being our move to TX, a new brother, and no more childcare friends at home, and Papa Joe being gone more than normal. The extra drama she ads to the day is certainly understandable. Although, with some special efforts and plans on our part, everything is smoothing out nicely. I can hardly believe how fast she is growing. She loves to have conversations that include the details of how things work or happen. Rather than the typical 2yo. 'Why?' she always asks, "What does that mean?" She knows that when we don't know the answer to something, we can go online and find the answer. Yesterday we were writing our grocery list and I asked her what else was supposed to be on the list. "I don't know," she said. "Look it up online." :) She is building social skills, manners, and a genuine care and concern for others - so sweet. Making decisions is something she still struggles with. She will often reply, "I do, but I don't," when asked if she wants to do things. She is becoming quite athletic and still loves music and art. Digging in the dirt is a new found love; we also use this time to learn to write letters with a stick. We are still very active in playgroups, and she is making lots of new friends. My spunky lady is more beautiful to me every day. She helps me to see life in that pure, innocent, unbiased way only a child experiences life. I love when we revisit the events from the day, talking about our favorite things. She always ends with, "You're the best Mommy in the whole world." I know I am the only Mommy she knows, but it is no less meaningful to me. Thanks for sharing your days with me Cam! Love you!

-This is the Sass I Get

- Loves to teach her brother about all the great things in life. #18 - Wagon Rides
**I will post Boston's update after his 6 mo check next week.
P.S. It's almost 9AM, and my kids are still sleeping! Wow!
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